How it works

If you are thinking of selling your pre owned hot tub, then we will consider purchasing this from you. We ask you to fill out our Sell Your Hot Tub Details Form, this is a nice and easy form that also lets you add photos of your hot tub so we can offer you the best possible price. We would then be in contact to provide you a price for your hot tub.

Checklist Icon Icon shows a piece of paper with a tick on top

Our hot tub form checklist

Our questionnaire is based on 5 Steps of information you need to answer to the best of your knowledge. The more information and photos provided the better idea we can get to offer you some money for your hot tub.

  • Step 1. Submit your personal details

    Provide us details to contact you. A post code is essential to work out the distance of collection.

  • Step 2. Submit your hot tub details

    To proceed, you will need to provide information about the hot tub you wish to sell. Please include the following details: brand, model, age, seating capacity, and any relevant general information. This will help us determine whether we will buy your hot tub.

    As of 2024, we have an updated list of brands and models that we buy and those that we do not. If your hot tub’s brand and model are listed under the “We Buy” section, please submit the requested information so we can evaluate your hot tub for purchase. However, if your hot tub’s brand and model are listed under the “We Do Not Buy” section, please do not submit your details at this time, as we do not purchase those specific models.

  • Step 3. Add photos of your hot tub

    You can add photos from your phone, tablet, or your camera if you use a desktop pc. Ideally, up to date photos no more than a week old. We would like at least one photo of the; hot tub in situ, outer surround, inside and lid. If it is possible please add any signs of known damage that may affect your quote. You can upload up to 10 photos.

  • Step 4. Submit access details

    It’s not essential to go and grab a tape measure, but here you will need to supply us with the information of access to collect the hot tub. Please provide as much information as possible and specify any obstacles or problems we might face. The more information we know, the more prepared we can be, as well as providing you a more accurate quotation.

  • Step 5. Add photos of the access

    This is optional but we thoroughly recommend you add these photos. Again, up to date photos are important, ideally no more than a week old. Please provide photos of the access path for removal, for example - ally way, garden fence, any obstacles such as steps or garden boarders etc.

    Quote Icon A Quotation Icon A handy tip is to draw a rough diagram of removal and take a photo of it and send us that, we don't expect a Picasso drawing, but anything will help in providing a quote for your hot tub.

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We are fully insured

We are fully insured for public and products liability.

What this means for you…
…in a nutshell, if you sell your hot tub to Jo Blogs, and he turns up with an army of mates to try and lift your hot tub without the correct hot tub removal kit, then they run the risk of an accident. If they were to drop your hot tub or break your hot tub when removing, they would generally have no form of insurance to cover you or your hot tub or themselves.

We keep our insurance up to date on a yearly basis, so all of our customers have 100% reassurance that if any property damage or injury was caused we are fully covered. All our company insurance documents can be provided on day of removal if required.

Correct Equipment Icon Icon shows a tool box with some loose tools out

The Correct Equipment

We invest a lot of time and money to keep our equipment to remove hot tubs to a high standard.

Correct equipment ensures a safe and quick removal of the hot tub from your premises.

Spa Dolly

Time and time again we get the phone call “Hi I sold my hot tub on an auction site and the buyers turned up and did not realise how big the hot tub was, they do not have a vehicle bigger enough to collect so they have pulled out of the sale”. The long and short, at Sell Your Hot Tub, we have the correct equipment and trailers to collect any hot ub.